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for your business!

Real Estate Management

Neighborhood Communication APP For Apartment Owners / Residents Group


Accessible To : All Residents

  1. Have discussions on subjects related to your neighborhood organised as discussion threads. Removes the need for google / yahoo / whatsapp groups.
  2. Completely integrated with the Residents List - can easily identify the author of a Conversation pos
  3. Conversations can be made visible to all or to "owners only"
  4. Advanced editor can include images, text formatting, and hyperlinks
  5. Encourages participation and takes the bulk away from your email inbox. However email notifications on Conversation activities can be activated by choice
  6. Complete email integration with Conversation. Instant notification sent whenever a post happens, response to the post can be made by replying to the email. Response gets recorded on the Forum
  7. Ability to moderate Conversation posts by residents nominated as Conversation Moderators

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